Sunday, June 14, 2020

Double Chin Liposuction – Cost, Recovery, and More

One of the most commonly requested facial liposuction procedures, double chin liposuction, or jawline contouring offers an effective way of getting rid of an unwanted bulge below the jawline. While there are many ways to deal with a double chin, from neck lift surgery to liposuction or, in some cases, a combination of both, the first step to a more defined jawline is double chin liposuction.

If you are considering facial liposuction, there are certain things that you should know before committing to the procedure. For instance, doctor recommendations for double chin liposuctionor any other related surgeries will be largely based on your desired effects and skin quality. This is why it is crucial to have your case examined by an experienced surgeon before committing to the treatment. This will allow you to set your expectations right and know your best options as you proceed with your doctor’s recommendations. 

The best candidates for facial liposuction are people aged between 20 and 50, as this is a period when the skin retains its elasticity. One of the most important things to remember when it comes to liposuction procedures is that it works to remove excess fat and not necessarily to improve skin quality. Just the same, double chin liposuction can be done alongside other procedures to correct jowls or sagging skin on the neck, such as neck lift surgery.

The cost for a double chin surgery varies depending on the approach and the kind of procedures involved. It can range from $1,200 to $12,700, based on data from the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Chin liposuction is typically performed under local anesthesia, although depending on the case, doctors may elect to perform the procedure under general anesthesia. Similarly, most people who undergo chin liposuction can return to normal day to day activities within as little as 1 or 2 weeks.

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